Hi new friend!

Welcome to the School for Writers® with Lauren Marie Fleming blog! This is a place for me to share what it’s like being a queer femme (who is also fat, kinky, poly, and neurodiverse) trying to thrive within entrepreneurship and publishing. I’ll also be sharing posts to help you do the same, because we’re all in this together!

If you want to hear all about why I started blogging again check out this post:

A little more about my entrepreneurial and creative journey:

I started my company School For Writers® because I was tired of the gatekeeping in the publishing world that kept historically marginalized communities silenced and broke.

Our mission is to diversify publishing by helping people write, edit, and publish their books, and make money through storytelling.  We do that with our flagship 2-year program Write Your Friggin’ Book Already®, online workshops, in-person retreats, and publicly available resources like our podcast and social media.

As you can imagine, that comes with some serious ups and downs––from making enough money to pay myself and my people, to making time for my own writing and rest.

If I can brag for a second, I’ve got a fancy resume––from working with some of the biggest celebrities in the USA, to living all over the world, to speaking at Ivy League schools, and having a law degree. But none of that compares to the education I’ve gotten from being in queer, poly, kinky, and body-positive communities.

There aren’t a lot of role models out there in publishing or entrepreneurship that are openly like me, so I’m hoping that sharing my journey will encourage others to do the same.

I’m not in this alone, and neither are you, so I’m going to also showcase authors and entrepreneurs that I admire, and the skills they have to share as well. And occasionally cross promote some of the fabulous things we’re doing over at SchoolForWriters.com.

Educational, entertaining, and inspiring, that’s the goal of this newsletter.

Plus, I just really miss blogging (want to go down a rabbit hole of my past work? Google Queerie Bradshaw and Bawdy Love).

I’m excited to connect with you and my biggest hope is that you read this newsletter and it inspires you to go out and write a book, make a movie, or start a business.

Because the world needs your story now more than ever.™

With love,


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What happens when a queer, non-binary femme who is also fat, kinky, poly, and neurodiverse tries to keep her values (and wits) while building an online educational company and publishing her own work? We’re about to find out together.


What happens when a queer, non-binary femme who is also fat, kinky, and poly tries to keep her values (and wits) while BUILDING AN ONLINE EDUCATIONAL COMPANY FOR WRITERS and PUBLISHING HER DEBUT NOVEL? We’re about to find out together.